College Secondary Essay Editing

Preparing The Secondary Essay For Your Top Programs

College Secondary Essay Editing

The secondary essay is an often-overlooked component of the application. Many times, this is because applicants focus their energy on the personal essay for the general application system that goes to all schools, and neglect to give the same amount of energy and detail to secondaries for a particular institution. Our admissions experts, and others across the country, will tell you that this is a serious mistake to make during the application process. 

This is because for that particular school, they have specifically chosen to ask their question to the applicant for a reason – that reason being that they believe it reveals something about their applicants that they think is important or vital to their decision making on accepting students. 

Especially for some of your top-choice universities, just as much effort needs to be placed into preparing and reviewing your secondary college essays. Our admissions advisors have been accepted to the worlds most competitive programs, and know what it takes to craft an essay that answers these critically important questions that your program is seeking when admitting students.

Have you qualified for an application fee waiver?

For students who have qualified for a full application fee waiver and can provide a copy of their fee waiver documentation, we are committed to providing services to applicants with financial need and will provide one of our individual services with fees completely waived. Believe you may qualify? Contact us below!

College Secondary Essay Editing

The secondary essay for each particular university may vary widely regarding length, expectations, style, and most importantly the question that is being sought regarding the ‘fit’ of the applicant. Particularly for top-choice colleges, experienced editing and advising on how to craft a statement geared toward that program can make the difference between rejection and acceptance.
“This is one skill that will continue to serve students, not just in college planning but also through navigating their educational journey.” – Michelle Curtis-Bailey, university senior admissions adviser

1 University




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Looking For A Comprehensive Review? Try Our Holistic Packages


$2,100 Value
  • Expert College Advisor
  • 1 Hour Intro Advising
  • Personalized School Selection
  • 3 Personal Statement Edits
  • Secondary Essay Editing - 1 School (3 Edits each essay)
  • 3 Application Edits
  • In-Depth Analysis
  • Detailed Review
  • 72 Hour Turn-Around
  • Long-Lasting Mentorship


$2,600 Value
  • Expert College Advisor
  • 1 Hour Intro Advising
  • 1 Hour - Interview Prep
  • Personalized School Selection
  • 3 Personal Statement Edits
  • Secondary Essay Editing - 3 School (3 Edits each essay)
  • 3 Application Edits
  • In-Depth Analysis
  • Detailed Review
  • 72 Hour Turn-Around
  • Long-Lasting Mentorship


$4,500 Value
  • Expert College Advisor
  • 2 Hour Intro Advising
  • 2 Hour - Interview Prep
  • Personalized School Selection
  • 3 Personal Statement Edits
  • Secondary Essay Editing - 5 School (3 Edits each essay)
  • 3 Application Edits
  • In-Depth Analysis
  • Detailed Review
  • 72 Hour Turn-Around
  • Long-Lasting Mentorship







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Every application requires a personalized approach to prepare for a successful submission, and our admissions experts are happy to talk with family members and offer a free consultation prior to assisting with the application process.
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