Transitioning Careers Guide

Prepare To Successfully Transition Into Your Next Field

Transitioning Careers Guide​

Transitioning job careers can be a daunting task for many. After years of studying a particular major, and thereafter working in a specific capacity in a profession, some decide it is time to pursue a career that is completely novel in position or area of expertise.

While this can be exciting, it will also mean learning and perfecting a completely new skill-set and gaining qualifications that are suitable to that new field.

If you are looking to apply now or in the near future, our career services can help connect you with a professional advisor from your future industry to review what it will take to successfully apply and obtain a position that suits you.

Have you qualified for an application fee waiver?

For students who have qualified for a full application fee waiver and can provide a copy of their fee waiver documentation, we are committed to providing services to applicants with financial need and will provide one of our individual services with fees completely waived. Believe you may qualify? Contact us below!

Field Transitioning Careers Package

Our sessions with a carefully selected mentor from your industry of interest can help you navigate this process and present your qualifications and experiences in a manner that allows you to transition well into your next role in the field of your choosing.
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
—George Eliot

1 Hour


2 Hours


Numbers That Speak for Themselves

Years of Experience
0 +
Of Advising Hours
0 's
Satisfaction Rate
0 %

What Our Applicants Are Saying

Looking For Comprehensive Advising? Try Our Holistic Packages​


$2,100 Value
  • Expert Industry Advisor
  • 1 Hour Advising Intro
  • Personalized Company Selection
  • 3 Resume/CV Edits
  • 3 Cover Letter Edits
  • 3 Holistic Application Edits
  • Strategy Analysis
  • Detailed Overview
  • 72 Hour Turn-Around
  • Long-Lasting Mentorship


$2,600 Value
  • Expert Industry Advisor
  • 1 Hour Advising Intro
  • 1 Hour Interview Prep
  • Personalized Company Selection
  • 3 Resume/CV Edits
  • 3 Cover Letter Edits
  • 3 Holistic Application Edits
  • Strategy Analysis
  • Detailed Overview
  • 72 Hour Turn-Around
  • Long-Lasting Mentorship


$4,500 Value
  • Expert Industry Advisor
  • 2 Hours - Expert Advising
  • 2 Hours - Interview Prep
  • Personalized Company Selection
  • 3 Resume/CV Edits
  • 3 Cover Letter Edits
  • 3 Holistic Application Edits
  • Strategy Analysis
  • Detailed Overview
  • 72 Hour Turn-Around
  • Long-Lasting Mentorship

Still Deciding?

Job offers and opportunities can vary drastically from company to company and their desire for the applicant. It is worth the initial investment in your application to make sure that you receive the job offer that is right for you, and one that fully realizes your goals and ambitions for the future. Reach out with any questions below if you are still deciding which service will most serve your application needs.
Contact us for Transitioning Careers Guide​
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